Big Ideas Little Pictures

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Sketchplanations podcast photo of Rob Bell, Tom Pellereau and Jono Hey

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Browse topics to find clear, simple explanations through sketches and illustrations, covering a wide range of subjects from everyday concepts to complex ideas.

Design 92Psychology 77Food and drink 76Framework 73Words 66Eponym 64Nature 57Food 54Lifehack 50Behavioral psychology 47Science 47Business 41Drawing 41Advice 40Cognitive bias 39Physics 38Animals 37Tech 37Quote 36Writing 35Geography 34Productivity 33Wellbeing 33Chart 32Observation 31Management 28Software 26Bias 25Effect 25Kindness 25Product management 25Metaphor 24Data 23Finance 22Math 22Biology 21Sport 21Sports 21Travel 21Cooking 20Creativity 20Astronomy 19Drink 19Health 19Learning 19Parenting 19Technology 19Economics 18Happiness 18Investing 18Law 18Motivation 18Research 17Sustainability 17Grammar 16Leadership 16Anxiety 15History 15Ideas 15Mathematics 15Starting 15Water 15Weather 15Wisdom 15Behavioral economics 14Measurement 14Mountains 14Photography 14Education 13Emotions 13Hiking 13Relationships 13Time 13Coffee 12Engineering 12Innovation 12Perspective 12Product 12Thinking 12Ux 12Art 11Development 11Graphic design 11Marketing 11Problem solving 11Questions 11Sleep 11Web design 11What's the difference between 11Agile 10Architecture 10Games 10Illusion 10Information design 10Maps 10Marine biology 10Mindfulness 10Music 10Oceans 10Product design 10Products 10Trees 10Charts 9Coding 9Domestic advice 9Earth 9Entrepreneurship 9Exercise 9Infographics 9Japan 9Language 9Scale 9Sketching 9Strategy 9Transport 9Walking 9Books 8Design process 8Endurance 8Hygiene 8Metrics 8Planning 8Running 8Safety 8Statistics 82x2 7Analytics 7Backpacking 7Birds 7Cheese 7Children 7Climate 7Clouds 7Cognitive psychology 7Color 7Computers 7Computing 7Forest 7Geology 7Germs 7Holiday 7Moon 7Paradox 7Reframe 7Risk 7Social engineering 7Tip 7Air quality 6Animation 6Beach 6Book 6Camping 6Cars 6Christmas 6Colour 6Design thinking 6Family 6Goals 6Inclusion 6Internet 6Lateral thinking 6Money 6Play 6Refresher 6Security 6Sharing 6Sound 6Space 6Story 6Teaching 6Temperature 6Typography 6Usability 6Waves 6Accountability 5AI 5Anatomy 5Beauty 5Bike 5Building 5Climate change 5Culture 5Design principle 5Design tool 5Ecology 5Energy 5Equation 5Equity 5Fishing 5Fruit 5Game 5Habits 5Ice 5Idea 5Improvisation 5Information 5Inspiration 5Invention 5Jogging 5Listening 5London 5Politics 5Seasons 5Sociology 5Swimming 5Theory 5Triz 5Ui 5Volcanoes 5Cameras 4Chemistry 4Communication 4Country 4Cycling 4Distance 4Feedback 4Flow 4Gifts 4Government 4Heuristic 4Ideation 4Improv 4Improvization 4Knowledge 4Love 4Medicine 4Philosophy 4Plane 4Pollution 4Road 4Sea 4Social media 4Storm 4Sun 4Thinking tool 4Tidying 4Vegetables 4War 4Waste 4Adoption 3Babies 3Baby 3Boating 3Click here 3Coastline 3Conflict 3Coronavirus 3Cycle 3Environment 3Facilitation 3Film 3Gift giving 3Horse 3Insect 3Isa 3Lessons from lewis 3Mental health 3Mindmap 3Navigation 3Needs 3Networking 3Parable 3Password 3Planet 3Poem 3Purpose 3Reading 3Recycling 3Religion 3Reptiles 3Saving 3Senses 3Skills 3Sneeze 3Social research 3Sunset 3Testing 3Thundercloud 3Tufte 3Tv 3Uk 3Venn diagram 3Washing 3Anchoring 2Barnacles 2Brand 2Branding 2Camel 2Climbing 2Computer science 2Consumerism 2Crime 2Day 2Diy 2Elephant 2Etiquette 2Fallacy 2Flying 2Football 2Hci 2Identity 2Ikea 2Kitchen 2Knots 2Lightning 2Mammals 2Meetings 2Memory 2Mnemonic 2Model 2Name 2Networks 2Numbers 2Organization 2Outdoors 2Owls 2People 2Plants 2Pole star 2Pomegranate 2Portfolio 2Presenting 2Pricing 2Priorities 2Privacy 2Resilience 2Shark 2Sketchplanation 2Skiing 2Sky 2Stars 2Storytelling 2Table 2Toys 2Trend 2Trust 2Turtle 2Video 2Visual recording 2Woodland 2Work 2Japanese 1
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